The Sister Stewards of Dope Botanicals

By Kim Russell

Day to day, we’ve grown accustomed to various greetings followed by “How are you feeling today?” We rarely expect an earnest answer, let alone to receive the follow-up question: “How do you want to feel?”

This is the signature trademark central to the enchanting apothecary, Dope Botanicals. Nestled in Rittenhouse Square lies a haven of holistic healing curated by two sisters with a shared passion for wellness.

Nakia and Taahirah Stith are the visionaries and founders behind Dope Botanicals. With a wealth of knowledge and experience, the Stith sisters wanted to open a herb store that resonated with their personalities and positively impacted the community. Affectionately referred to as an urban ‘A’plant’ecary,’ the shop embodies their lifelong dedication to veganism, plant-based living, and holistic practices. Their origin story is vital to the herbal ministry that is Dope Botanicals.


Guided by their father, the sisters embarked on a journey that intertwined their lives with Mother Nature’s offspring from a young age. They were instilled with a reverence for plants and the Earth. As a result, they developed an intimate relationship with the power of herbal healing, which eventually blossomed into a commitment to holistic living—all before being plant-based was trendy. Armed with certifications in health, coaching, herbalism, and doula training, Taahirah and Nakia honed the skills needed to become stewards of nature.


“We created a space that we always wanted to come to,” says Taahirah. “It’s so important for us to put our point of view out there as Black women. We have a specific point of view of herbalism, and sometimes that’s overshadowed, or it doesn’t get a storefront.”


Far from cookie-cutter formulations and kitchen-sink herbalism, Nakia and Taahirah’s approach to herbalism transcends textbooks. People don’t always look for the magic behind the scenes. What sets them apart from the wellness industry is their authenticity, deep intuition, and sisterly bond. “My sister is a verbal intuitive, and when people come in, they may say something, and I hear it, and I could give a suggestion, but I’m going to ask her,” says Taahirah about Nakia’s innate gift of intuiting needs. Her spirit guides many intimate interactions and ensures that the herbs are alchemized to the customer and their individual healing process.


The thoughtfully crafted botanical blends address many wellness needs. From stress relief, cold and flu symptoms, energy enhancement, and gut health, each product is a testament to the sister’s dedication to reclaiming well-being, one plant-powered potion at a time. Their hands are infused with healing energy. They craft teas, tinctures, and tonics that go beyond commerce. Not only are they creating new pathways for healing, but they are also reclaiming their ancestors’ regimes.


The sisters sit at the feet of their elders as they capture the remedies from their family line. Nakia spoke passionately about the importance of standing in your power above the massive influence of the media. She maintains that there are natural gifts with which we are all imbued, For the two of them “to take something out of the imaginary world, conceptualize it, create a formula and put it in a jar… It’s like God, us, time, and nature in a bottle. And the [presentation of that gift] is undefeated.”


Metaphorically speaking, these ladies are sharpshooters with strong convictions. While the two draw inspiration from holistic health experts like Dr. Llaila Afrika and civil rights activist Dick Gregory, they never forget to be in spirit with each other and each herb. Everything the store offers is run through their hands and measured by their high-quality assurance standards. With these guiding principles and commitment to self-care, plenty of love and joy are captured in each jar. Taahirah affirms, “We have a united front in the presentation of all things” because they share the same lifestyle, which is a ‘core belief.’ “There’s not going to be a single day that I wake up, and I am not living this life…as sure as the sun rises.”


As a family-owned business, the love continues to pour in and show up in their work. Since the shop’s grand opening, they have experienced triumphs and tragedies but still find joy in the moments of laughter. Nakia admits, “The only way to have gotten through was to let love lead the way.”


Each day, love shows up in the way they take care of each other and when staff can match each other’s energies. Love shows up when clients bring in their families, when services become cross-generational, or when the sisters can offer those in need a hula-hoop (group hug). Love shows up when a customer shows up in the middle of a rainstorm, and every time a customer reports that their ailments are gone.


And Nakia says, “When we get the opportunity to work with the herbs, that really is love showing up.” Dope Botanicals is a labor of love and a sanctuary for wellness seekers looking for guidance on their journey. In addition to a meticulously curated treasure trove of herbal remedies, Nakia and Taahirah are committed to fostering a sense of community and education around holistic living through workshops, events, and personalized consultations. “It’s the safest space,” the sisters say in unison.


Upon stepping through the doors of Dope Botanicals, visitors are greeted by a unique and welcoming ambiance. “Just know you’re going to meet other people who are themselves here as well,” Taahirah says. Customers can expect increased supplies, merchandise, and recommended books on the Dope Botanicals website and storefront. The sisters remain steadfast in their commitment to a holistic lifestyle in a world where trends come and go. Every leaf, root, and flower holds a story to be heard within these walls. There is no focus on bestsellers or favorite botanicals in Nakia and Taahirah’s shop.


They encourage you to be yourself, so when you step into the shop and are asked: “How do you want to feel today?” the dopest botanical you’ll receive is the one you need.

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